Wrinkle Relaxing Injections
What is Botox?
Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) is a natural purified protein that temporarily relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles, creating a rejuvenated appearance. This is a safe and effective procedure for the reduction and prevention of facial lines giving a relaxed and more youthful fresh appearance.

How does Botox® work?
Movement of facial muscles often lead to the development of deep frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet. By injecting Botox ® into the muscle responsible for creating the wrinkle it can give the face a more relaxed and smoother appearance, preventing further lines and wrinkles from forming.
It works by blocking the nerve impulses to the muscles to prevent them moving therefore preventing dynamic wrinkles from forming.
Bruxism Treatment (Teeth Grinding)
Injecting small doses of Botox® (botulinum toxin) directly into the masseter muscle (the jaw), weakens the muscle enough to stop habitual grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. It brings relief to the TMJ and significantly relaxes the muscle and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to bruxism (the action of clenching or grinding).